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Anterior plates

Locking and non locking screws Ø4 & Ø4.7 mm

Guided instrumentation


The cutting guide enables quick parallel cuts of the tibio-talar articular surfaces.


Adapted to mini and medium anterior plates, the quick-drill block simplifies the steps required to prepare the holes and insert the talar screws.

The osteosynthesis screw-plate systems are indicated for arthritis (Hallux Rigidus, Osteoarthritis), Hallux valgus and other bone alignment defaults (Hallux Varus, Flatfoot, Cavus foot). Osteosynthesis screw-plate systems are intended for the fixation of osteotomy and arthrodesis of the foot and ankle.

Prior to use Novastep® systems, carefully read the surgical technique, the instructions for use (IFU) and all packaging label information related to the implants and instruments.
Medical devices. Implants: Class IIb-CE1639; Instruments: Class I-CE / Class Ir-CE1639 / Class IIa-CE1639.