Rearfoot Modular, all-inclusive solution
The instrumentation set is fully modular and customizable with several modules to meet individual surgeon requirements.

Nexis® 5.0 / 7.0 set

Arcad® 15-18-20-25 module

Nexis® 4.0 Module
These 2 modules can be incorporated together

Targeting guide module
Also available as standalone set

Nexis® 4.0

Arcad® 15-18-20-25

Nexis® 5.0 / 7.0 Targeting Guide
Prior to use Novastep® systems, carefully read the surgical technique, the instructions for use (IFU) and all packaging label information related to the implants and instruments.
Medical devices. Implants: Class IIb-CE1639; Instruments: Class I-CE / Class Ir-CE1639 / Class IIa-CE1639.