Tarsoplasty® guide

Lync® surgical technique

Percutaneous Chevron Akin osteotomy | April 19th, 2023 | Webinar in English

Complicated / uncomplicated cases | Webinar in French

Worst cases session | May 6th, 2020 | Webinar in French

Q&A PECA Session 2 | Webinar in English

The Great Bunion Dabate | April 4th, 2020 | Webinar in English

Original Webinar Date: April 4th, 2020

My Worst Cases of the Foot & Ankle | April 18th, 2020 | Webinar in English

Original Webinar Date: April 18th, 2020

Challenges of Mid Foot Fusions | November 14th, 2020 | Webinar in English

Original Webinar Date: November 14th, 2020

Q&A PECA Session 1 | Webinar in English

Pecaplasty® targeting guide


Pecaplasty® targeting guide

PECA Bunion Correction Implants


Nexis® MIS Ø 2.7 screws

Airlock® universal Fusion plates – Presslock®

Airlock® universal Fusion plates – Presslock®: Talo-navicular arthrodesis

Pecaplasty® MIS System

The demonstration is performed by Dr. Tristan Meusnier.

Centrolock® simplified operative technique by Dr. Michel Maestro

Pecaplasty® Instrumented MIS System

The demonstration is performed by Dr. Bradley P. Abicht.

Dr. Alan Ng, DPM talks through a Presslock® with Peca C Lapidus

Mapping the Osteotomy & Medial Eminence Resection with PECA System

The demonstration is performed by Dr. Oliver N. Schipper.

Reduction, K-Wires Placement & Implant with PECA System

The demonstration is performed by Dr. Oliver N. Schipper.

Chevron Osteotomy with PECA System

The demonstration is performed by Dr. Oliver N. Schipper.

Akin Osteotomy and Final X-Ray with PECA System

The demonstration is performed by Dr. Oliver N. Schipper.

Part 1 – Centrolock® Cadaveric Demonstration

The demonstration is performed by Dr Jonathan Sharpe.

Part 2 – Centrolock® Cadaveric Demonstration

The demonstration is performed by Dr Jonathan Sharpe.

Airlock® Lisfranc Plates Review and Demonstration

The demonstration is performed by Dr. Mark Prissel.

Airlock® MTP Fusion Plates

Overview: Surgical Procedure

First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Fusion with Airlock® MTP Fusion Plate and Nexis® Compression Screw

The demonstration is performed by Dr. Mark Prissel.

First Metatarsal-Cuneiform Arthrodesis using Airlock® Lapidus Plate and Nexis Compression Screw

The demonstration is performed by Dr. Daniel Logan.

Airlock® Plantar Lapidus plates – Presslock®

Opening wedge distractor

Nexis® Cannulated Screws

Overview: Hallux Valgus Treatment

Nexis® 5 / 7 Targeting guide

First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis using Arcad Nitinol Compression Staples

The demonstration is performed by Dr. Pablo Turell.

Arcad® Nitinol Compression Staples

Overview: Hallux Valgus Surgical Procedure