Forefoot Solutions

Introducing minimally invasive and traditional treatment options for hallux valgus, hammertoe, metatarsalgia and other complex deformities throughout the forefoot.

Midfoot Solutions

Engineered to address the traumatic or elective procedures of midfoot surgery. The combination of Airlock Midfoot Plates, Arcad Staples and Nexis Screws provide a comprehensive array of solutions to address the intricate abnormalities throughout the midfoot.

Rearfoot Solutions

The Nexis 5.0mm & 7.0mm screws provide multipurpose solutions when treating complex deformities in the rear and hindfoot. The Hindfoot Targeter was designed to ease K-Wire placement, accurate measurement and compression when used in combination with Nexis 5.0mm & 7.0mm Screws.

Enovis Foot & Ankle (Novastep) products span from a range of minimally invasive systems to equipment that simplifies complex charcot neuropathy. From toe to heel, invasive to minimally invasive, Novastep strives to be your foot and ankle company.

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