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The versatile, low-profile utility plates are 1.5mm thick, allowing for usage in nearly all soft tissue environments and are available in a range of sizes.

The oblong standard compression hole accommodates a Ø3mm non-locking screw. Locking and non-locking screws of Ø3mm and Ø3.5mm may be used in all other fixation threaded holes


The versatile, high-strength, low-profile utility plates are 1.5mm thick, allowing for usage in nearly all soft tissue environments and are available in a range of sizes.

The oblong standard compression hole accommodates a Ø3mm non-locking screw. Locking and non-locking screws of Ø3mm and Ø3.5mm may be used in all other fixation threaded holes

Low profile design > Plate thickness optimized according to the indications to limit subcutaneous discomfort.

Monoaxial & Polyaxial System

The Airlock® Ø3mm and Ø3.5mm locking and non-locking screws may be used in all Airlock plate fixation threaded holes. However the standard compression hole only accomodate Ø3mm non-locking screws, and the Presslock® compression hole only accomodate Ø3.5mm locking screws. ​

  • Monoaxial locking screws
  • Polyaxial non-locking screws
  • Tapered head
  • Self-tapping design
  • Self-retaining driver / screw interface

Compression Screws

​Additional compression can be achieved with a combined Nexis Ø4mm headless compression screw, beveled PECA Compressive Ø4mm screw, or Nexis Ø5mm headless compression screw.​

All instrumentation is conveniently organized and color coded.​


Airlock with Presslock Upgrade

Airlock 2.0

Airlock 2.0 Reduction Instruments


Airlock® Operative Technique

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Airlock® Sales Brochure

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Airlock Tray Layout

Airlock® Tray Layout

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Prior to use Novastep® systems, carefully read the surgical technique, the instructions for use (IFU) and all packaging label information related to the implants and instruments.
Medical devices. Implants: Class IIb-CE1639; Instruments: Class I-CE / Class Ir-CE1639 / Class IIa-CE1639.