The Airlock® plating system is a range of osteosynthesis plates for the forefoot, midfoot and rearfoot, made of titanium alloy. It combines a low profile plate design dedicated to each indication, a compression hole, and a monoaxial and polyaxial screw system to ensure a stable and rigid fixation.

The Presslock® technology provides a locking compression hole that ensures a stable construct.

Patented system.
Registration: CE1639 / FDA cleared


Airlock® Operative Technique

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Airlock® Sales Brochure

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Airlock Tray Layout

Airlock® Tray Layout

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Airlock® MTP Fusion Plates

Overview: Surgical Procedure

Airlock® universal Fusion plates – Presslock®

Airlock® universal Fusion plates – Presslock®: Talo-navicular arthrodesis

Airlock® Plantar Lapidus plates – Presslock®

Opening wedge distractor

Airlock® Lisfranc Plates Review and Demonstration

The demonstration is performed by Dr. Mark Prissel.

First Metatarsal-Cuneiform Arthrodesis using Airlock® Lapidus Plate and Nexis Compression Screw

The demonstration is performed by Dr. Daniel Logan.

First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Fusion with Airlock® MTP Fusion Plate and Nexis® Compression Screw

The demonstration is performed by Dr. Mark Prissel.